ICMR - National Institute for Research
in Bacterial Infections

आईसीएमआर - राष्ट्रीय जीवाणु संक्रमण अनुसंधान संस्थान

Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India
स्वास्थ्य अनुसंधान विभाग, स्वास्थ्य और परिवार कल्याण मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार
WHO Collaborating Centre For Research and Training On Diarrhoeal Diseases


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NICED : Scientists

Dr. Provash Chandra Sadhukhan

Dr. Provash Chandra Sadhukhan

I, Dr. Provash Chandra Sadhukhan, Scientist D, was born on 16th January, 1967 and joined ICMR Virus Unit, Kolkata on 28th January 2005 as Scientist B. I did B.Sc in Chemistry from Scottish Church College (Calcutta University) in 1988; M.Sc. in Biochemistry from Calcutta University in 1990; and Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the Calcutta University, specialization in microbiology with special emphasis on microbial detoxification of mercury in fish by mercury resistant aquatic bacteria. I joined Learner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, USA as a postdoctoral Research Fellow in August, 1998, where I studied cell signaling in cancer cells, specially Interferon and NF-kB signaling in bladder and kidney cancer cells. I also studied viral gene therapy on cancer cells, effect of natural products on cancer cells and their role in modulation of cellular signaling pathways and cancer cell growth.  


General Information
Name : Dr. Provash Chandra Sadhukhan
Designation : Scientist F
Date of joining ICMR : 28th January, 2005
Date of joining present post : 1st September, 2014
Discipline : Virology, Molecular Biology
Division : Virus Laboratory
Specialization : Viral Disease
Email : Sadhukhan.pc@icmr.gov.in , provash2000@gmail.com 
Academic Qualification : M.Sc., Ph.D.
Graduation B.Sc. Chemistry (Hons.), Calcutta University
Post-Graduation M.Sc. Biochemistry, Calcutta University
Doctoral Biochemistry (area Microbiology), Calcutta University


Research Experience

I received my M.Sc. in Biochemistry from Calcutta University in 1990 and Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the same Department of Calcutta University. My major study area during doctoral work was in microbiology with special emphasis on microbial detoxification of mercury in fresh water fish by mercury resistant aquatic bacteria. I gained experience in cell signaling in cancer cells, specially IFN and NF-kB signaling in bladder and kidney cancer cells as a postdoctoral Research Fellow in Cleveland Clinic Foundation, USA. I also have experience in viral gene therapy, effect of natural products on cancer cells and their role in modulation of cellular signaling pathways and cancer cell growth. I joined ICMR Virus Unit, Kolkata in January 2005 as Scientist B, where I started my research area on hepatitis C and viral co-infections in HIV/AIDS patients. Thereafter, I focused mainly on RNA virus, specially on HCV and dengue virus genome characterization and the role of different viral proteins in the modulation of host immune system.

Research Interest

This Lab works in the field of infectious diseases with special emphasis on RNA viruses, more specifically flavivurses. Our research platform is based on Hepatitis C and Dengue virus from eastern and north eastern region of India and an exhaustive interface between clinical sciences, experimental biology and bio-informatics. The major focuses of this group on the molecular epidemiology of the local circulating strains and their migration pattern, rapid detection of emerging viruses by applying latest technology as a part of translation research. Host-virus interaction and immune responses by the host including modulation of cytokines and chemokines expression to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the immune responses and immune evasion mechanisms of the viruses. Cloning and expression of viral envelope glycoprotein, protease and RNA- dependent RNA polymerase proteins are of special interest for therapeutic intervention. We practice molecular biology, reverse genetics, cell biology techniques and computer modelling in our regular day to day research work.


  • Indian Science Congress Association - Life Member
  • Society for Biological Chemists - Life Member
  • Indian Association of Medical Microbiologist - Life Member




  1. Title: Development of rapid, sensitive one-tube duplex RT-PCR assay for specific and differential diagnosis of Chikungunya and Dengue. Duration: 2017-2019. Role: PI. Sponsor: Indian Council of Medical Research.
  2. Title: Studies on genomic variations of hepatitis C virus among multi-transfused thalassemic patient in West Bengal. Duration 2015-2018. Role: PI. Sponsor: Dept. of Science & technology, Govt. of West Bengal.
  3. Title: West Bengal dengue virus serotyping-2017. Duration 2017. Role: PI. Sponsor: NVPDCP and Govt. of West Bengal.
  4. Title: West Bengal dengue virus serotyping-2016, Duration 2016. Role: PI. Sponsor: NVPDCP and Govt. of West Bengal.
  5. Title: Studies to find Genetic Recombinant Hepatitis C Virus from Eastern and North-Eastern India. Duration 2012-2016. Role: PI. Sponsor: Department of Biotechnology.
  6. Title: Studies on Japanese Encephalities Virus in different districts of West Bengal amongst the economically backward classes. Duration 2008-2011. Role: Co-I. Sponsor: Dept. of Science & technology, Govt. of West Bengal.
  7. Title: Surveillance of Dengue fever in eastern Kolkata, West Bengal. Duration 2008-2010. Role: Co-I. Sponsor: Pediatric Dengue Vaccine Initiative, Seoul, Korea.


  1. Title: Studies on genomic variation of hepatitis C virus in high risk group population in Eastern part of India. Duration 2016-2019. Role: PI.
  2. Title: Expression of HCV Envelope Protein and its Role in Viral Neutralization in Vitro. Duration: 2014-2017. Role: PI.
  3. Title: Studies on genomic variation of Hepatitis C virus and host interleukin 28B gene polymorphisms among HCV infected population in Eastern and North-Eastern part of India. Duration: 2012-2015. Role: PI.
  4. Title: Genetic variation of Hepatitis C Virus envelope gene isolated from Eastern and North-Eastern India. Duration: 2009-2012. Role: PI.
  5. Title: Whole genome Cloning of Hepatitis C Virus. Duration: 2008-2011. Role: PI.
  6. Title: Preliminary study on selected Opportunistic Infections (OIs) among AIDS patients of Kolkata. Duration: 2005-2008. Role: PI.


Present student

  • Supradip Dutta, JRF
  • Upasana Baskey, JRF
  • Priya Kumari Verma, Project-JRF
  • Maya Halder, Project-Lab Attendant

Travel to foreign countries to attend conference/ meetings (for the last 5 years):

  1. Participated in "5th PDVI Field Site Consortium Investigators Meeting", Asilomer, California, USA, June 3-5, 2009.
  2. Special 5 days hands on training on "dengue diagnosis" at Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangkok, Thailand, June 23rd -27th, 2008.



  1. Biswas A, Gupta N, Gupta D, Datta A, Firdaus R, Chowdhury P, Bhattacharyya M, Sadhukhan PC. Association of TNF-alpha (-308 A/G) and IFN-gamma (+874 A/T) gene polymorphisms in response to spontaneous and treatment induced viral clearance in HCV infected multitransfused thalassemic patients. Cytokine. 2018 Jun;106:148-153.  Pubmed
  2. Bhattacharyya KK, Biswas A, Gupta D, Sadhukhan PC. 2018. Experience of HCV Sero-prevalence and its Genomic Diversity among Transfusion Dependent Thalassemia Patients in a Transfusion Centre. Asian Journal of Transfusion Science (Accepted)


  1. Biswas A, Firdaus R, Gupta D, Ghosh M, Saha K, Chowdhury P, Bhattacharyya M, Sadhukhan PC. Interferon λ3 gene (IL28B) is associated with spontaneous or treatment-induced viral clearance in hepatitis C virus-infected multitransfused patients with thalassemia. Transfusion. 2017 Jun;57(6):1376-1384. Pubmed
  2. Sarma N, Chakraborty S, Dutta A, Sadhukhan PC. Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease in West Bengal, India: A Preliminary Report on Clinicovirological Trend over 3 Successive Years (2013-2015). Indian J Dermatol. 2017 Sep-Oct;62(5):486-490.  Pubmed
  3. Gupta D, Saha K, Biswas A, Firdaus R, Ghosh M, Sadhukhan PC. Recombination in hepatitis C virus is not uncommon among people who inject drugs in Kolkata, India. Infect Genet Evol. 2017 Mar;48:156-163  Pubmed


  1. Biswas A, Firdaus R, Saha K, Chowdhury P, Bhattacharya D, Bhattacharyya M, Sadhukhan PC. 2016. A study on post transfusion Hepatitis C Virus infection among β-thalassemic individuals with associated clinical parameters from Eastern India. Indian Journal of Medical Research. (IJMR-127-16; 2016-0124, Accepted).
  2. Saha K, Ghosh M, Firdaus R, Biswas A, Seth B, Bhattacharya D, Mukherjee K, Sadhukhan PC. Changing pattern of dengue virus serotypes circulating during 2008-2012 and reappearance of dengue serotype 3 may cause outbreak in Kolkata, India. J Med Virol. 2016 Oct;88(10):1697-702  Pubmed
  3. Biswas A, Gupta D, Ghosh M, Datta A, Gupta N, Firdaus R, Sadhukhan PC. 2016. HIV-HCV co-infection among multitransfused thalassemic individuals-A review. J Human Virol Retrovirol. 2016; 3(4):00103.
  4. Biswas A, Sarkar K, Firdaus R, Saha K, Gupta D, Ghosh M, Chowdhury P, Bhattacharya D, Bhattacharyya M, Sadhukhan PC. Prevalence of anti-HCV, HBsAG, HIV among multi-transfused thalassemic individuals and other socio-economic background in Eastern India. Asian J Pharmaceutical Clin Res.2016; 9(1): 290-294.


  1. Firdaus R, Saha K, Biswas A, Sadhukhan PC. Current molecular methods for the detection of hepatitis C virus in high risk group population: A systematic review. World J Virol. 2015 Feb 12;4(1):25-32.  Pubmed


  1. Firdaus R, Biswas A, Saha K, Mukherjee A, Chaudhuri S, Chandra A, Konar A, Sadhukhan PC. Impact of host IL28B rs12979860, rs8099917 in interferon responsiveness and advanced liver disease in chronic genotype 3 hepatitis C patients. PLoS One. 2014 Jun 10;9(6):e99126.  Pubmed
  2. Saha K, Firdaus R, Biswas A, Mukherjee A, Sarkar K, Chakrabarti S, Sadhukhan PC. Transmission dynamics of hepatitis C virus among intra venous drug users in the border state of Manipur, India. Infect Genet Evol. 2014 Jun;24:57-67 Pubmed
  3. Firdaus R, Biswas A, Saha K, Mukherjee A, Pal F, Chaudhuri S, Chandra A, Konar A, Sadhukhan PC. Modulation of TLR 3, 7 and 8 expressions in HCV genotype 3 infected individuals: potential correlations of pathogenesis and spontaneousclearance. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:491064.  Pubmed
  4. Gouthamchandra K, Kumar A, Shwetha S, Mukherjee A, Chandra M, Ravishankar B, Khaja MN, Sadhukhan PC, Das S. Serum proteomics of hepatitis C virus infection reveals retinol-binding protein 4 as a novel regulator. J Gen Virol. 2014 Aug;95(Pt 8):1654-67.   Pubmed
  5. Saha K, Firdaus R, Biswas A, Mukherjee A, Sadhukhan PC. A novel nested reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction method for rapid hepatitis C virus detection and genotyping. Indian J Med Microbiol. 2014 Apr-Jun;32(2):130-6.  Pubmed


  1. Saha K, Firdaus R, Chakrabarti S, Sadhukhan PC. Development of rapid, sensitive one-tube duplex RT-PCR assay for specific and differential diagnosis of Chikungunya and dengue. J Virol Methods. 2013 Nov;193(2):521-4.  Pubmed
  2. Firdaus R, Saha K, Roy A, Pal J, Sadhukhan PC. Socio-economic and demographic pattern of HIV occurrence amongst attendees in a tertiary care hospital in Eastern India. J AIDS Clin Res.2013; 1(3):80.
  3. Firdaus R, Saha K, Sadhukhan PC. Rapid immunoassay alone is insufficient for the detection of hepatitis C virus infection among high-risk population. J Viral Hepat. 2013 Apr;20(4):290-3.  Pubmed


  1. Saha K, Firdaus R, Santra P, Pal J, Roy A, Bhattacharya MK, Chakrabarti S, Sadhukhan PC. Recent pattern of Co-infection amongst HIV seropositive individuals in tertiary care hospital, Kolkata. Virol J. 2011 Mar 14;8:116.. (Highlight in Nature India, 30th April, 2011). Pubmed
  2. Kim J, Ji M, DiDonato JA, Rackley RR, Kuang M, Sadhukhan PC, Mauney JR, Keay SK, Freeman MR, Liou LS, Adam RM. An hTERT-immortalized human urothelial cell line that responds to anti-proliferative factor. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 2011 Jan;47(1):2-9.  Pubmed


  1. Shi T, Liou LS, Sadhukhan P, Duan ZH, Novick AC, Hissong JG, Almasan A, Di Donato JA. Effects of resveratrol on gene expression in renal cell carcinoma. Cancer Biol Ther. 2004 Sep;3(9):882-8 Pubmed
  2. Liou LS, Shi T, Duan ZH, Sadhukhan P, Der SD, Novick AA, Hissong J, Skacel M, Almasan A, DiDonato JA. Microarray gene expression profiling and analysis in renal cell carcinoma. BMC Urol. 2004 Jun 22;4:9.  Pubmed


  1. Liou LS, Sadhukhan PC, Bandyopadhyay SK, Rackley RR. Bacillus of Calmette and Guerin modulates nuclear factor kappa beta in two urothelial carcinoma cell lines. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2003;539(Pt B):599-621.  Pubmed
  2. Bandyopadhyay SK, Rackley RR, Matin SF, Sadhukhan PC. Interferon-alpha response and signal transduction pathway in transitional carcinoma cell lines. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2003;539(Pt A):15-32. Pubmed


  1. Sadhukhan PC, Tchetgen MB, Rackley RR, Vasavada SP, Liou L, Bandyopadhyay SK. Sodium pentosan polysulfate reduces urothelial responses to inflammatory stimuli via an indirect mechanism. J Urol. 2002 Jul;168(1):289-92. . Pubmed


  1. Matin SF, Rackley RR, Sadhukhan PC, Kim MS, Novick AC, Bandyopadhyay SK. Impaired alpha-interferon signaling in transitional cell carcinoma: lack of p48 expression in 5637 cells. Cancer Res. 2001 Mar 1;61(5):2261-6.  Pubmed


  1. Ghosh S, Sadhukhan PC, Ghosh DK, Chaudhuri J, Mandal A. Elimination of mercury and organomercurials by nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol.1997 Jun;58(6):993-8  Pubmed


  1. Sadhukhan PC, Ghosh S, Ghosh DK, Chaudhuri J, Mandal A. Accumulation of Mercury in Edible Fish from Wetlands around Calcutta. Indian J Environ Health 1996; 38 (4): 261-268.
  2. Ghosh S, Sadhukhan PC, Ghosh DK, Chaudhuri J, Mandal A. Volatilization of Mercury from Mercury containing buffer by Immobilized Mercury Resistant Bacterial cells. J Appl Bacteriol 1996; 81: 104-108. .
  3. Ghosh S, Sadhukhan PC, Ghosh DK, Chaudhuri J, Mandal A. Volatilization of mercury by resting mercury-resistant bacterial cells. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol. 1996 Feb;56(2):259-64.Pubmed
  4. Ghosh S, Sadhukhan PC, Ghosh DK, Chaudhuri J, Mandal A. Studies on the effect of Mercury and Organomercurial on the Growth and Nitrogen Fixation by Mercury Resistant Azotobacter Strains. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 1996; 80:319-326.


  1. Ghosh DK, Ghosh S, Sadhukhan P, Mandal A, Chaudhuri J. Purification of two azoreductases from Escherichia coli K12. Indian J Exp Biol. 1993 Dec;31(12):951-4. Pubmed